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Fundusz sądowy w polskim prawie karnym. Postulat de lege ferenda

Kwartalnik Krajowej Szkoły Sądownictwa i Prokuratury * 2020* tom 40* zeszyt 4* s. 5-17* ISSN 2083-7186

Fundusz sądowy w polskim prawie karnym. Postulat de lege ferenda

Court fund in Polish criminal law. Postulate of de lege ferenda

Dr Izabela Jankowska-Prochot - adiunkt w Wyższej Szkole Bankowej w Warszawie oraz pracownik Wydziału Legislacji Komendy Głównej Policji

Data publikacji: 2020-12-31

URL: https://www.kssip.gov.pl/pobierz_plik/2020-4_40_-_fundusz.pdf



This article is a search for an institution of abandonment of punishment and conviction of the perpetrator that would be an alternative to a conditional discontinuance of criminal proceedings. In terms of legislation, this approach could be manifested in implementing normative structures so far unknown to Polish criminal codification and supporting a reduction of the penal sanction in exchange for making a pecuniary contribution to a social purpose designated by the court. On the one hand, such an institution would serve the idea of compensation – a remedy for damages resulting from an offence, while on the other hand it would perform repressive functions with reference to perpetrators of petty offences that have no criminal record and that are not subject to a criminal severity. Noteworthy discussions mutatis mutandis on this subject have been conducted or are continuing in Ireland, New Zealand and Australia.

Key words: conditional discontinuance of criminal proceedings, abandonment of punishment, reduction of penal sanction

Bibliographic Citation:

JANKOWSKA-PROCHOT, I. Fundusz sądowy w polskim prawie karnym. Postulat de lege ferenda, Kwartalnik Krajowej Szkoły Sądownictwa i Prokuratury. 2020, t. 40, z. 4, s. 5-17. ISSN 2083-7186.

okładka kwartalnika

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Data publikacji: 
2021-09-25 09:35
Data wytworzenia: 
2021-09-25 09:31
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Ostatnia zmiana: 
2021-09-25 09:35
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