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Materiały kontroli operacyjnej w rzetelnym procesie karnym – jawne czy niejawne?

Kwartalnik Krajowej Szkoły Sądownictwa i Prokuratury * 2023* tom 49* zeszyt 1* s. 55-71 * ISSN 2083-7186

Materiały kontroli operacyjnej w rzetelnym procesie karnym – jawne czy niejawne?

Operational Control Material in a Fair Criminal Trial: Public or Classified?


Michał Blajerski, Prokurator Prokuratury Regionalnej w Lublinie, wykładowca KSSiP,  https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6303-2809




URL: https://www.kssip.gov.pl/pobierz_plik/michal_blajerski.pdf


The purpose of this article is to determine whether the use of operational control materials as trial evidence, with due regard to their secrecy protected under a ‘classified’ clause, consequently results in a fair criminal trial. Reflections on this subject, also against the background of selected court decisions, have been illustrated with examples of a destructive impact of secrecy of operational control materials on the implementation of the principles of speed and openness of the criminal procedure and respect for the right to defence. At the same time, the admissible ways of solving the dilemmas arising at this level, consisting in the initiatives used by the procedural bodies aimed at removing secrecy clauses from the discussed materials, were presented in an approving light. Above all, however, in this context the author made an attempt to demonstrate that evidence based on operational control materials does not, in principle, deserve any special protection in a criminal trial and, except for a few cases, it should de lege lata be public. Finally, the theses presented in the article call into question, on the basis of the applicable legal regulations, the current practice in the field of providing operational control materials labelled as classified for the purposes of criminal proceedings.

Key words: operational control, secrecy clause, confidentiality clause, secret, confidential, classified, fair trial

Bibliographic Citation:

BLAJERSKI, M. Materiały kontroli operacyjnej w rzetelnym procesie karnym – jawne czy niejawne?, Kwartalnik Krajowej Szkoły Sądownictwa i Prokuratury. 2023, t. 49, z. 1, s. 55-71. ISSN 2083-7186. DOI: 10.53024/

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2023-04-17 13:20
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2023-05-25 08:56
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