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Profilowanie nieznanych sprawców zabójstw

Kwartalnik Krajowej Szkoły Sądownictwa i Prokuratury * 2021* tom 42* zeszyt 2* s. 81-107 * ISSN 2083-7186

Profilowanie nieznanych sprawców zabójstw

Profiling of unknown perpetrators of murder

Mgr Andrzej Lebiedowicz, Prokurator Prokuratury Rejonowej Lublin-Południe w Lublinie, delegowany do Prokuratury Okręgowej w Lublinie, Zastępca Prokuratora Okręgowego w Lublinie

Data publikacji: 2021-06-30
DOI: 10.53024/

URL: https://www.kssip.gov.pl/pobierz_plik/2021-02_42_-_04_lebiedowicz.pdf


Criminal, forensic and psychological profiling of unknown perpetrators of murder serves the fundamental investigative purpose of apprehending and prosecuting the person responsible for the attack on the most valuable legal asset. Despite its low probative value as strict evidence, it can significantly contribute to the identification of the right violator of the legal norm prohibiting the killing of another human being, hence it is reasonable to take action aimed at overcoming the still perceptible scepticism of law enforcement authorities and the judiciary towards the use of this specific investigative method. This article addresses the determination of the causes and motives of the killers. It will also discuss such issues as: the history of profiling, the diversity of terminology in this matter, as well as the question of building a profile of the perpetrator according to global and national standards and the issues of the profile of a terrorist as a mass murderer, geographical profiling, and forensic linguistics. It also includes a discussion of the evidential value of profiling.

Key words: forensic profiling, murder, investigation methods.

Bibliographic Citation:

LEBIEDOWICZ, A. Profilowanie nieznanych sprawców zabójstw, Kwartalnik Krajowej Szkoły Sądownictwa i Prokuratury. 2021, t. 42, z. 2, s. 81-107. ISSN 2083-7186. DOI: 10.53024/

okładka kwartalnika

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Data publikacji: 
2021-09-01 10:43
Data wytworzenia: 
2021-09-01 10:32
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Ostatnia zmiana: 
2021-09-15 12:15
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